Work With Laura Gallagher

The Creative Company is a leading public relations, social media and web development firm staffed with experienced and talented employees who connect, inform and create inspiring work that matters. Our mission is to increase awareness, change the world around us for the better and help non-profits and companies connect with core customers and clients like never before. We remain true to our entrepreneurial heritage through every touch point.

Rethink Everything

Never before has brand reputation been more important. Brands that are authentic rise to the top. Brands that care have higher profit margins. Brands that are trusted get greater results.

Tell Your Story

For over a quarter of a century, we’ve been bringing great stories to the marketplace and generating real results for our clients as we protect and guide their reputations. What we’re doing every day builds credibility and trust in a way that can’t be duplicated in any other medium.

Engage Your Customers

The explosion of digital technologies over the past decade has created “empowered” consumers who are fully capable of calling the shots. The differentiator is the power of your story and how well you engage with consumers across multiple channels. We can help you achieve your goals using public relations, analytics, creativity, technology and branding to give you a distinct competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Core Skill Set